Sounding Board (2018-2020)


The Layout Before and after I joined the team

Back in the 60’s the students of Grace college came together to form the Sounding Board: a campus paper. In 2018 I joined the paper’s long legacy as a Layout Editor.

As a team we faced the general struggle of newspaper’s increasing irrelevance. The best way I saw to increase interest was to try and make the paper as visually-appealing as possible. So I immediately overhauled the the visual system, established typography guidelines, developed reusable assets, and tried to remain flexible to meet the demands of the team.

My time on the newspaper team was great, and I am incredibly grateful for the team experience. It was a privilege to help the writing team get their voices out there with a professional face!

 Style Guide


Sample April 1st Edition


Free Range Illustrations


Light of Luminyr